Now that I am back from being out of town for the last week, we will do You Decide Day 3, I am thinking something along the lines of humiliation for day 3.  So here we go. My standby favorite was in the last You Decide and that was having m masturbate while I drove her around….That one won. So it will be on this go around also!!!

Masterbating while being driven around

Pee while dressed kneeling in piss tray

Tied like pic C for 1 hour in front of a mirror

I have broached the subject of consistency before.  The dictionary list the meaning of Consistency as


1. a degree of density, firmness, viscosity, etc.: The liquid has theconsistency of cream.

2. steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.

3. agreement, harmony, or compatibility, especially correspondence or uniformity among the parts of a complex thing: consistency of colors throughout the house.

4. the condition of cohering or holding together and retaining form; solidity or firmness.

The meaning that I find the most fitting is number 2. steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.  In m’s case my being consistent in enforcing her rules and protocals has paid off huge dividends. m has come along way and alot of times her actions are becoming second nature and she does not have to think about her course of action when it comes to her rules. She is still learning and my being consistent in enforcement has not always been easy.  If you are going to have rules and not enforce them, what is the point of having them. Non- enforcement sends the wrong message to your slave. Being consistent is not always easy, not always convenient, and not always pleasant. Being consistent will however will send the correct message to your slave. Do not have rules that you do not intend to enforce and do not overwhelm her with 100 rules all at once. With that being said do not overwhelm yourself by giving her 100 rules at once.  That makes it very hard to be consistent Life can and does get in the way sometimes. This does not mean that you cannot be consistent.

Hi Folks,  I had an extremly busy day yesterday and was unable to put up Day 3 of you decide, looks as if today may be just as busy. I have to get a job ready to ship on Monday.  Sooooo….. I am going to leave Day 2 up for one more day. If you have not voted follow this link or scroll down on the home page of my blog and vote!!!

You Decide Day 2

Posted: March 3, 2011 in Uncategorized
Hi again and thanks to every on who voted yesterday,  To see Day 1 results click here . Day 2 has the intersting ties and a zipper which m has never had. not sure why. I am partial to ties I guess.

Tied in Reverse Prayer for 1 hour

Tied in X for 1 hour

Given a cloth pin zipper

Lets get day one started off with a bang. There are 3 choices for you to choose from. We would not want to make the 1st day easy would we?

Walk the Rope

1 Hour in Houdini Box

Shoe in Mouth for 1 Hour

Rules, instructions and assignments are things that are given to you by Master for very important reasons. To follow them should bring you the pride and happiness that you feel for him, and remind you that he cares for you. Rules are in place to keep you in line, place your heart and mind in the submissive mindset, and to make sure that you hold yourself in his honor. Disrespect is greatly frowned upon. Instructions and assignments are meant to help you improve yourself. You are to follow all of these so that you present yourself as a loving, obedient and beautiful woman.

Failing to achieve all the rules on a daily basis can happen for many reasons and some for no reason at all. They could happen for physical ailments, in which case, Master would allow a slide. The day could be filled with a lot of other activities and in that case, one should have permission to not fulfill certain tasks. The worst failing is just to forget. Forgetting is a breakdown in the commitment and trust between Master and slave and should be avoided with all being. When forgetting takes place, punishment is the result, to again remind the slave, who controls who, and that Master holds love and pride in his slave even through a failing. Completing the punishment should better the slave and help enforce the rules once again.

I like most people when starting in this lifestyle was lost.  I turned to the internet. WOW!!!, So much stuff out there, What to believe and not believe. Where do I go to find information about the lifestyle???? There are so many places you can go. I have complied a list of sites that I used in my journey.  some are geared towards Masters and some are geared towards submissives or slaves.

1. This is a great site with like minded people who are open and very willing to chat and discuss things with you.  In my journey this is by far the best site I have come across. Dennis Najee is a great source of information and has several books out that really help.

2. This is a great site if you need information about rules, protocals, and bdsm rituals. I used this site as a basis for m’s rules when we first started. It is a large site and harder to navigate than most but is a great source of information.

3. This site has links to alot of site. It is nice because has all of the links one place.

4. Associated content has alot of information, this link is to just one of the articles that I found. You will find links to other helpful articles in every associated content article.

5. although this site seems to be geared towards a gay lifestyle, this site is a wealth of information and rules and protocals are not limited to male or female. They are geared for slaves. This site has alot of great information and it would be worth your while to check it out!!

As most in this lifestyle, I am learning and growing everyday, I am always looking for more information, ideas and thoughts on the lifestyle, these site are sites that I found helpful and in no way is saying that there are not more sites that are just as good. I am sure there are more. As time goes on I will do this again.  These are just the ones I found in my journey. I hope you find this article helpful.

1.  slave must kneel with arms behind head and legs spread to ask for permission for ANYTHING that requires permission.  Slave will thank Master for anything that permission is granted for.

2.  slave must refer to Master as Sir or Master at all times when speaking with him and speaking about him.

 3.  slave must ask for permission to use furniture. The slave may be granted permission to sit on furniture but it is not to be taken as a right and she must wait until told otherwise

 4.  slave must ask permission to use the bathroom at all times, if Master is not present the slave will text to ask permission, if there is no answer in 3 minutes the slave may use the toilet. Slave must write out entire statement “Master may i please use the restroom” every time, Slave must delete text and thank Master after permission is granted. Master may check slaves phone anytime.

 5.  slave must have a clean shaven or waxed cunt at all times

 6.  slave must never wear panties without permission from Master, ALL PANTIES will be locked in Master’s closet and Master will keep the key

 7.  slave must write in her blog at least 3 times per week

 8.  slave must ask permission to get into bed with master every night, slave will present herself naked, recite her slave mantra and be required to sleep naked, slave may request permission wear sleeping clothes. slave WILL recite her morning mantra before leaving the bedroom to start her day.

 9.  slave will be available 24/7 by cell phone, there is no exception to this rule.

 10. slave’s body, and all that it carries, belong to Master and is available to Master, anyway Master directs, at any time, for any reason, for any action and slave will not show the slightest hesitation or fear in that regard.  Any modifications to slave’s body will require permission , ie: haircuts, manicures, pedicures,showers, etc…

 11. slave will lay out her clothes each day for Master to approve before getting dressed. If Master does not approve slave will choose something else

 12. slave will  email Master daily with 5 things she is thankful for and 5 things she did well.

 13. slave will spend 15 minutes a day with her nose against the wall or in the corner naked thinking about her submission and to reaffirm her slavery

The week is finally over!!

Posted: February 25, 2011 in Uncategorized

I am taking m out to dinner tonight as a reward for her previous week, she is trying very hard to be a good slave, so she is being rewarded, Tomorrow however is the day we go over the current week and any punishments will be handed out at that time.  With the kids being around it is very hard to dole out punishments when thing happen, so I tell m at the time she messes up that we will catch up on the punishements later. I have started keeping a log, I know it sounds korny but  I have to or I will forget.  I have tasked m with alot of different things to do, some she does well others she does not, Overall she is doing well.  Hope you enjoy your reward tonight!!!!

After m and I both having serious medical issues, we are back and stonger than ever. We both needed a while to recouperate. m’s condition was far worse than mine and her surgery was very scarey for the both of us, But now we are back and I am finding that m has gone astray!!!! Not to worry my little kitten, Master is here and is going to get you back on track. There are stricter rules, enforcement and training.  M is a bit overwhelmed right now but I cannot let up as it is not in her best interest in her devolopment as my slave. Please take the opportunity to welcome her back on her page!!! We will be doing “You decide” again in the next couple of weeks. If you have any ideas you would like to see incorporated, please feel free to comment and leave your idea!!!!