Archive for June, 2010

How you should be greeted.

Ownership Papers

Posted: June 29, 2010 in Obedience, Rules, Slave
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Slave Ownership and Registration Certificate for




This is to certify that the registrant with number 903-833-962, is

registered in The Slave Register as an owned slave; and that the

registrant’s owner is declared to be Master T; and that the registrant

has been owned by Master T since the 18th day of April 2008.

The registration number 903-833-962 was issued on

the 5th day of February 2010. The current registration details may

be inspected at


This certificate was issued on the 9th day of February 2010.

For more information about The Slave Register please visit




Posted: June 28, 2010 in Obedience, Slave, Submission, Trust
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The only way to achieve true submission is to completely surrender…

So what does that mean? it is giving up Control and having Complete Trust.

Do you struggle with control.  Do you continually justified to yourself and to others why you should have that control.

  1. It’s my life. I should have a say in it.
  2. I need to be on the same page with my sweetie.
  3. I am just as intelligent and capable, so why shouldn’t I have some of the control?
  4. I was raised this way, so I need to gradually wean myself off of the habits.

So what does surrender mean?

According to the dictionary:


  1. to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand.
  2. to give (oneself) up
  3. to give (oneself) up to some influence, course, emotion, etc
  4. to give up, abandon, or relinquish
  5. to yield or resign in favor of another
  6. to give oneself up, as into the power of another; submit or yield.
  7. the voluntary abandonment

So, how do these definitions fit into your plan?

1. to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand.

2. to give (oneself) up.



Posted: June 27, 2010 in Obedience, Rules, Slave
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According to Wikipedia, discipline is defined as follows:

“Discipline is the instant willingness and obedience to all orders, respect for authority, self reliance and teamwork. The ability to do the right thing even when no one is watching or suffer the consequences of guilt which produces pain in our bodies, through pain comes discipline.” –United States Marine Corps

To discipline thus means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct or “order.” In the field of child development, discipline refers to methods of modeling character and of teaching self-control and acceptable behavior”[1] (e.g teaching a child to wash her/his hands before meals). Here, ‘washing hands before meals’ is a particular pattern of behaviour, and the child is being disciplined to adopt that pattern. ‘To disciple’ also gives rise to the word disciplinarian, which denotes a person who enforces order.

However, usually the phrase ‘to discipline’ carries a negative connotation. This is because of the need to maintain order – that is, ensuring instructions are carried out. Order is often regulated through [2]

To be disciplined is then, subject to context, either a virtue (the ability to follow instructions well) or a euphemism for punishment (which may also be referred to as disciplinary procedure). As a concrete noun, the discipline refers to an instrument of punishment, for example in mortification of the flesh (see also: flagellation). Such an instrument may also be applied to oneself, for example in penitence for not being sufficiently self-disciplined.

Punishment is defined as

Punishment is the practice of imposing something negative or unpleasant on a person or animal or property, usually in response to disobedience, defiance, or behavior deemed morally wrong by individual, governmental, or religious principles.

I believe that in this type of lifestyle discipline should not be confused with  punishment, they are NOT interchangeable but they DO work hand in hand.  You must have self-discipline and be disciplined to follow the rules set forth in your relationship. Leading a disciplined life is a choice and it does not only apply to a M/s relationship. As a slave if you are not leading a disciplined life then it is up to your Master to see that you do. Punishment can be used as a tool to help you lead a more disciplined life.


Posted: June 18, 2010 in Obedience, Trust, Uncategorized
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A perspective in social theory comes from the classic Foundations of Social Theory by James S. Coleman. Coleman offers a four-part definition:

  1. Placement of trust allows actions that otherwise are not possible (i.e. trust allows actions to be conducted based on incomplete information on the case in hand).
  2. If the person in whom trust is placed (trustee) is trustworthy, then the trustor will be better off than if he or she had not trusted. Conversely, if the trustee is not trustworthy, then the trustor will be worse off than if he or she had not trusted (this is reminiscent of the classical prisoner’s dilemma).
  3. Trust is an action that involves a voluntary transfer of resources (physical, financial, intellectual, or temporal) from the truster to the trustee with no real commitment from the trustee (again prisoner’s dilemma).
  4. A time lag exists between the extension of trust and the result of the trusting behavior.

So my feeble mind once again is pondering the REAL meaning of trust in a M/s relationship. m has entrusted me with herself. This is a level of trust that only a slave can know. m knows that I have her best interests at heart whenever I make decisions.  m also knows that level of trust was earned. m only has a few HARD limits she trusts and knows that these will never be broke.  her soft limits on the otherhand are pushed to expand her horizions.  Trust works both ways, I know and trust that when m is instructed to do something, even something she does not like or agree with, she will do it. This is the foundation of a M/s relationship, you can’t have obedience if you do not have trust.  So as I ponder, Do you I have this level of trust, my answer would be yes. m trusts me fully.

The dictonary list the definition of consistent as 

1 archaic : possessing firmness or coherence
2 a : marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity : free from variation or contradiction <a consistent style in painting> b : marked by agreement : compatible —usually used with with <statements not consistent with the truth> c : showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief, or custom <a consistent patriot>
3 : tending to be arbitrarily close to the true value of the parameter estimated as the sample becomes large <a consistent statistical estimator>

 and Consistancy as the absence of contradictions.

So as a m’s Master, I contemplate the real meaning of these words and how they REALLY apply to m’s life and life in general.  As adults we all have consistency in our everyday life, we get up, we eat, we go to work, and we do these thing consistently. It is a part of our everyday life and it habit!!! So back to my point, Being in a M/s relationship also requires consistency on both to make it work. Rules have to be follow on a consistent basis if they are not, the consequences have to be applied on a consistent basis. This is not easy, everyday life can and will get in the way. I strive to be consistent with m. Don’t bite off more than you can chew and wind up being inconsistent  you will send the wrong message to your slave and deny her the chance to become the best slave she can be. But most of all remember, she gave YOU the responsibility to train, guide and care for her. Just a thought to ponder….

Rules 6 thru 10

Posted: June 16, 2010 in Obedience, Rules, Slave
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6. Must never wear panties with out permission, ALL panties are to be locked in masters closet

7. Must write in her blog at least 3 times a week

8. Must present herself naked , resite slave mantra and ask permission to get into bed everynight. She may ask for permission to wear night clothes to sleep in, but it is a privledge not a right.

9. Must be available by cell phone 24/7.  There are no exceptions to this rule.

10. Her body and all that it carries is available to me 24/7 for whatever I choose, whenever I choose, she is to have no fear or hesitation for ANYTHING I require of her.

Feel free to ask m about her rules on her blog, she will answer you.

5 of m’s new rules

Posted: June 15, 2010 in Obedience, Rules, Slave
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1. Must kneel with legs spread and arms behind head to ask for permission for anything that requires permission be asked.

2. Must refer to Master as Master or Sir when speaking to or about him.

3. Must ask for permission to sit on furniture, it is a privledge not a right.

4. Must ask for permission to use the bathroom. Must text or call for permission if Master is not present.

5. Must have a clean shaven pussy at all times.

There are 5 more, I will post them later.  m seems to be doing much better since I made the rules more managable for her.  The new found reprive comes with the harsh reality of zero tolerance for not following them.

New Rules and Expectations

Posted: June 8, 2010 in Uncategorized

After some deep soul searching, I have revised m’s rules and expectations, I think that I had set m up to fail by overwhelming her with too many rules. Too many for her to keep up with and too many for me to enforce.  so there was no consistnancy. m now has ten rules to live her life by for now. I let m have input on some of the rules, but not all.  Now that her life has become a little easier, it come with the realization that there will be zero tolerance for not following them.  I do not want to see m fail.  I will post m’s new rules and will post more about her new training. This has been as much of a learning process for me as it has been for m.  It is an unbelievable feeling to know that m has entrusted me with herself, mind, body and soul, I let her down by not providing her with the consistancy she so desperately needed and desired.