Archive for the ‘Toys’ Category

Lets get day one started off with a bang. There are 3 choices for you to choose from. We would not want to make the 1st day easy would we?

Walk the Rope

1 Hour in Houdini Box

Shoe in Mouth for 1 Hour

As an avid woodworker most of my life with my own shop, I have started making my own furniture for m and I to use. The Houdini or bondage box is my next endevour. All of m’s readers will have to ask her how it turned out. I have made many things to date. I see something, price it and then decide that I can make it for 1/4 of what is being charged. m keeps telling me that I should start selling what I make. I need something more challenging for m as she seems to be used to what has been coming her way. If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to comment here, Who knows I may make what you suggest!!!