m’s Rules

1.  slave must kneel with arms behind head and legs spread to ask for permission for ANYTHING that requires permission.  Slave will thank Master for anything that permission is granted for.


2.  slave must refer to Master as Sir or Master at all times when speaking with him and speaking about him.


3.  slave must ask for permission to use furniture. The slave may be granted permission to sit on furniture but it is not to be taken as a right and she must wait until told otherwise


4.  slave must ask permission to use the bathroom at all times, if Master is not present the slave will text to ask permission, if there is no answer in 3 minutes the slave may use the toilet. Slave must write out entire statement “Master may i please use the restroom” every time, Slave must delete text and thank Master after permission is granted. Master may check slaves phone anytime.


5.  slave must have a clean shaven or waxed cunt at all times


6.  slave must never wear panties without permission from Master, ALL PANTIES will be locked in Master’s closet and Master will keep the key


7.  slave must write in her blog at least 3 times per week


8.  slave must ask permission to get into bed with master every night, slave will present herself naked, recite her slave mantra and be required to sleep naked, slave may request permission wear sleeping clothes. slave WILL recite her morning mantra before leaving the bedroom to start her day.


9.  slave will be available 24/7 by cell phone, there is no exception to this rule.


10. slave’s body, and all that it carries, belong to Master and is available to Master, anyway Master directs, at any time, for any reason, for any action and slave will not show the slightest hesitation or fear in that regard.  Any modifications to slave’s body will require permission , ie: haircuts, manicures, pedicures,showers, etc…


11. slave will lay out her clothes each day for Master to approve before getting dressed. If Master does not approve slave will choose something else


12. slave will  email Master daily with 5 things she is thankful for and 5 things she did well.


13. slave will spend 15 minutes a day with her nose against the wall or in the corner naked thinking about her submission and to reaffirm her slavery

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