Archive for the ‘Trust’ Category

After m and I both having serious medical issues, we are back and stonger than ever. We both needed a while to recouperate. m’s condition was far worse than mine and her surgery was very scarey for the both of us, But now we are back and I am finding that m has gone astray!!!! Not to worry my little kitten, Master is here and is going to get you back on track. There are stricter rules, enforcement and training.  M is a bit overwhelmed right now but I cannot let up as it is not in her best interest in her devolopment as my slave. Please take the opportunity to welcome her back on her page!!! We will be doing “You decide” again in the next couple of weeks. If you have any ideas you would like to see incorporated, please feel free to comment and leave your idea!!!!

As an avid woodworker most of my life with my own shop, I have started making my own furniture for m and I to use. The Houdini or bondage box is my next endevour. All of m’s readers will have to ask her how it turned out. I have made many things to date. I see something, price it and then decide that I can make it for 1/4 of what is being charged. m keeps telling me that I should start selling what I make. I need something more challenging for m as she seems to be used to what has been coming her way. If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to comment here, Who knows I may make what you suggest!!!

After a week or so of posting the “You Decide” polls on m’s page, I have noticed that there is a wide variety of  what people think is a turn on and what is not. I was really suprised by some of the things that actually won the votes. This is not to say that it was wrong, I am saying that I am suprised. Overall it was intersting for m. she was extremely apprehensive about the whole riding in the car and mastubating thing but was a obedient slave and did it, this is one that I did not think would win. Being tied like the picture on the 1st day was very difficult for m as she does not like the butt plug at all,  and the position was very uncomfortable, she did complain but did complete the 20 minutes. The 3rd day m wore the Hitachi harness while completing her chores that day, it took her longer, but overall I think she enjoyed this one more than the rest. Day 4’s choices were actually m’s choices. I let her choose what would be listed for that day.  We have had the tray for her to pee in for quite some time and she is no stranger to it, she never likes being told she will have to use it, so I am not sure why she chose that as a choice to be on the poll. It did not win the 1st day but won hands down on the best of the rest poll. m has been a trooper and day 5’s poll is her reward, so if you have not voted for her reward please go to this link and vote . This exersize has helped m understand that being a slave means that you no longer decide what will happen to you. The only decision you have is whether to obey or not.


Posted: June 28, 2010 in Obedience, Slave, Submission, Trust
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The only way to achieve true submission is to completely surrender…

So what does that mean? it is giving up Control and having Complete Trust.

Do you struggle with control.  Do you continually justified to yourself and to others why you should have that control.

  1. It’s my life. I should have a say in it.
  2. I need to be on the same page with my sweetie.
  3. I am just as intelligent and capable, so why shouldn’t I have some of the control?
  4. I was raised this way, so I need to gradually wean myself off of the habits.

So what does surrender mean?

According to the dictionary:


  1. to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand.
  2. to give (oneself) up
  3. to give (oneself) up to some influence, course, emotion, etc
  4. to give up, abandon, or relinquish
  5. to yield or resign in favor of another
  6. to give oneself up, as into the power of another; submit or yield.
  7. the voluntary abandonment

So, how do these definitions fit into your plan?

1. to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand.

2. to give (oneself) up.



Posted: June 18, 2010 in Obedience, Trust, Uncategorized
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A perspective in social theory comes from the classic Foundations of Social Theory by James S. Coleman. Coleman offers a four-part definition:

  1. Placement of trust allows actions that otherwise are not possible (i.e. trust allows actions to be conducted based on incomplete information on the case in hand).
  2. If the person in whom trust is placed (trustee) is trustworthy, then the trustor will be better off than if he or she had not trusted. Conversely, if the trustee is not trustworthy, then the trustor will be worse off than if he or she had not trusted (this is reminiscent of the classical prisoner’s dilemma).
  3. Trust is an action that involves a voluntary transfer of resources (physical, financial, intellectual, or temporal) from the truster to the trustee with no real commitment from the trustee (again prisoner’s dilemma).
  4. A time lag exists between the extension of trust and the result of the trusting behavior.

So my feeble mind once again is pondering the REAL meaning of trust in a M/s relationship. m has entrusted me with herself. This is a level of trust that only a slave can know. m knows that I have her best interests at heart whenever I make decisions.  m also knows that level of trust was earned. m only has a few HARD limits she trusts and knows that these will never be broke.  her soft limits on the otherhand are pushed to expand her horizions.  Trust works both ways, I know and trust that when m is instructed to do something, even something she does not like or agree with, she will do it. This is the foundation of a M/s relationship, you can’t have obedience if you do not have trust.  So as I ponder, Do you I have this level of trust, my answer would be yes. m trusts me fully.