Archive for March, 2011

Now that I am back from being out of town for the last week, we will do You Decide Day 3, I am thinking something along the lines of humiliation for day 3.  So here we go. My standby favorite was in the last You Decide and that was having m masturbate while I drove her around….That one won. So it will be on this go around also!!!

Masterbating while being driven around

Pee while dressed kneeling in piss tray

Tied like pic C for 1 hour in front of a mirror

I have broached the subject of consistency before.  The dictionary list the meaning of Consistency as


1. a degree of density, firmness, viscosity, etc.: The liquid has theconsistency of cream.

2. steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.

3. agreement, harmony, or compatibility, especially correspondence or uniformity among the parts of a complex thing: consistency of colors throughout the house.

4. the condition of cohering or holding together and retaining form; solidity or firmness.

The meaning that I find the most fitting is number 2. steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.  In m’s case my being consistent in enforcing her rules and protocals has paid off huge dividends. m has come along way and alot of times her actions are becoming second nature and she does not have to think about her course of action when it comes to her rules. She is still learning and my being consistent in enforcement has not always been easy.  If you are going to have rules and not enforce them, what is the point of having them. Non- enforcement sends the wrong message to your slave. Being consistent is not always easy, not always convenient, and not always pleasant. Being consistent will however will send the correct message to your slave. Do not have rules that you do not intend to enforce and do not overwhelm her with 100 rules all at once. With that being said do not overwhelm yourself by giving her 100 rules at once.  That makes it very hard to be consistent Life can and does get in the way sometimes. This does not mean that you cannot be consistent.

Hi Folks,  I had an extremly busy day yesterday and was unable to put up Day 3 of you decide, looks as if today may be just as busy. I have to get a job ready to ship on Monday.  Sooooo….. I am going to leave Day 2 up for one more day. If you have not voted follow this link or scroll down on the home page of my blog and vote!!!

You Decide Day 2

Posted: March 3, 2011 in Uncategorized
Hi again and thanks to every on who voted yesterday,  To see Day 1 results click here . Day 2 has the intersting ties and a zipper which m has never had. not sure why. I am partial to ties I guess.

Tied in Reverse Prayer for 1 hour

Tied in X for 1 hour

Given a cloth pin zipper

Lets get day one started off with a bang. There are 3 choices for you to choose from. We would not want to make the 1st day easy would we?

Walk the Rope

1 Hour in Houdini Box

Shoe in Mouth for 1 Hour